TAYP Retreat 2023: A Celebratory Gathering in Seattle


The TAYP Retreat 2023 in Seattle, WA, successfully concluded with a memorable and enriching event. A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who attended and contributed. Deep appreciation is extended to those who believed in the mission 13 years ago and those who continue to support it today.

From engaging discussions to valuable networking opportunities, participants found inspiration and formed new connections throughout the retreat. Thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of the community members, the event was a resounding success.

Engaging Discussions and Networking Opportunities

The retreat featured engaging discussions led by distinguished speakers who provided valuable insights into various topics. These sessions informed and inspired participants, fostering a spirit of collaboration and innovation. Attendees had the chance to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and forge new relationships that will undoubtedly contribute to future successes.

Her Excellency, the Tunisian Ambassador to the United States

A Historic Gathering

We are proud to say this retreat was a historic gathering, marking the largest Tunisian event in the Pacific Northwest. Seeing our community come together, share ideas, and strengthen our bonds was heartwarming. This milestone underscores the growing presence and influence of the Tunisian-American community in the region.

We extend our deepest gratitude to the Tunisian American Young Professionals organizing committee, our speakers, and those who joined us from Tunisia and various parts of the U.S. Your efforts and participation were instrumental in making this event a success. A special thank you goes out to Yahya Mhirsi and Fatma Souf for their delightful musical performance, which added a unique and joyful touch to the retreat.

Reflecting on this retreat, we remain committed to fostering strong Tunisia-U.S. relations and supporting the Tunisian diaspora. The connections made and the ideas shared during this event will serve as a foundation for future endeavors. We are dedicated to building on this momentum and look forward to our future gatherings, where we can continue to celebrate our heritage, share our achievements, and plan for a bright future.