Radhouane Aniba


Rad is a Senior Data Scientist with many hats working on areas varying from full stack application developments to bioinformatics projects management in genomics. He worked as a Scientist at National Institutes of Health (NIH), University of Maryland (UMD) and University of British Columbia in Canada (UBC). Additionally to his genome analysis skills, Rad is addicted to Information Technology and Data Science, and founder of the first Biotech Startup in Tunisia (CarthaGenomics) as well as the programming platform CodersCrowd.com. He serves as a TAYP Lead IT and Web support. Rad graduated from National Institute of Applied Science and Technology in Tunisia with a Bioengineering degree Master degree in Bioinformatics from University of Rouen with and from University of Strasbourg where he obtained his PhD degree in Computer Sciences, Bioinformatics Major.

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